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How to Protect Cats from Cold Weather

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: February 25, 2021
How to Protect Cats from Cold Weather

If you live with a cat as a pet, you know they are very sensitive to temperature changes, especially the cold. When the cold weather approaches, you will begin to notice changes in their behaviour. Your cat will be preparing to better support itself during this harsh time. Do you want to help your feline companion feel better? In this OneHowTo article we'll explain how to protect cats from the cold weather.

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Steps to follow:


One of the first things to consider is your cat's specific situation. If your cat is usually at home, they need less care to be protected from the cold. If your cat has free access to the outside or if you adopted it when it lived on the street, you have to take certain precautions.

If your cat is young or still a kitten, its immune system is not developed and it will be more vulnerable to developing illnesses related to temperature changes. In the case of premature cats, they will need an extra intake of calories in the diet to help them stay warm. They will also require external heat sources and even a blanket to protect her body.

How to Protect Cats from Cold Weather - Step 1

Your cat's age is also important when protecting it from the cold weather. Your cat's immune system starts to weaken after the age of 7. They become much more likely to become ill and they are less able to withstand the cold. For this reason, you should pay attention if your cat is older and keep it warm during the colder seasons.

If your pet has short hair, such as Siamese cats or no hair, like the Sphinx, you must take special precautions to protect it from cold. You should feed it with a diet abundant in calories and always provide heat sources to keep them warm in the cooler seasons. If your cat has a short coat, do not let them out on the street when it's cold as they could develop a respiratory condition.

You should also take special precautions if your cat is ill because their defences are weakened and are more susceptible to temperature changes. You should pay special attention to the problems of osteoarthritis because cold worsens joint pain. And you also have to be prudent and caring with great care if your cat has kidney diseases, such as renal failure or respiratory or heart problems, as they could worsen with the cold.


Your cat's fur is its main defence against the cold. With this in mind, to keep your cat healthy, you should keep its coat healthy to face the cold weather. Normally, your cat's coat will thicken during the colder seasons to keep them snug in the winter. As the summer approaches, your cat will shed this coat.

Your cat's fur is very important so you should get it used to daily brushing as a health and beauty routine from when they are a kitten. You should place special emphasis if your cat has a thick and long hair to prevent tangles, which falls into the eyes or might even lead to dermatitis. You should also take care of its skin to provide the right conditions for optimum health of its hair.

How to Protect Cats from Cold Weather - Step 3

Another fundamental tip to help your cat withstand the cold is to monitor their diet and choose the best food for them. This will depend on your furry companion's situation. If your cat does not leave the house, you will not need to alter its diet during the cold weather. If your cat does leave the home, you will have to supplement their diet with food that will provide more fat and calories, to better protect your cat from the cold. But remember that cats reduce their physical activity to maintain high caloric load, so do not feed your pet too much because it might end up getting too fat. There are some veterinarians that even recommend that cats take vitamins to strengthen their defences. However, always seek advice from your vet before doing so. You should consult your trusted specialist for advise on this.

How to Protect Cats from Cold Weather - Step 4

Finally and very importantly, use external heat sources. They are essential to help your pet to better withstand the cold. This will be particularly helpful at night. If your cat usually sleeps near the ground, try to raise their bed so that it faces away from moisture and cold. Or if it likes being close to the ground, place some insulation, e.g. cardboard or paper beneath. Use thermal blankets and leave a hot water bottle at several points in the home where your pet spends most time resting. Occasionally monitor the temperature because overheating can be as damaging as the cold itself.

How to Protect Cats from Cold Weather - Step 5

If your cat is very cold and does not leave the house, you could dress it in some elastic, soft and comfortable clothing so that it stays warms and comfy. If your cat wanders outside, do not dress it in any clothes as it could get caught on tress, snag on wires, which could be dangerous. One important factor to bear in mind is to keep windows closed, as well as doors, to avoid a cold stream of air from passing through the house.

Follow these tips to keep your feline friend happy and comfy during the colder weather. Cats are intelligent animals and know how to protect themselves from the cold well.


Following these tips your feline pet will be comfortable and happy during the winter. However, remember that cats are intelligent animals and know how to protect themselves from the cold. They will look for the warmest spots in the house, but some help from you will always be great.

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How to Protect Cats from Cold Weather