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How to Care for a Spanish Mastiff

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: May 31, 2018
How to Care for a Spanish Mastiff

Do you have a Spanish Mastiff and want to learn how to care for it? These dogs traditionally guarded sheep, and therefore they are large and often very protective and territorial.

However, their personality is far from aggressive: it is their physical corpulence what is most intimidating about them. Actually, they are the best dogs to protect your home. In this OneHowTo article we give you a few tips on how to care for a Spanish Mastiff.

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  1. How to care for a Spanish Mastiff puppy
  2. How to raise a Spanish Mastiff
  3. How to live with a Spanish Mastiff
  4. How to feed a Spanish Mastiff
  5. How to keep your Spanish Mastiff healthy

How to care for a Spanish Mastiff puppy

If your Spanish Mastiff is still a puppy, there are some things we should keep in mind.

Since Spanish Mastiffs are large animals and grow very quickly, they will require a lot of food. You should feed your Spanish Mastiff properly, but opt for small portions at different times of day instead of giving it only three heavy meals. This way your puppy will be well fed and the food will not disagree with it.

The size of Spanish Mastiffs is one reason for their needing a lot of food, but also because they are agile animals that move a lot, and so they burn a lot of calories. This is another reason while you should feed it through the day in small portions: you will be supplying all the energy it needs, especially if you are going for a walk or spend a lot of time playing together.

How to raise a Spanish Mastiff

Spanish Mastiffs - both as puppies and adults - are very affectionate and sociable dogs, and they require the attention of their humans. Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention to your Spanish Mastiff: be attentive and play together when you go out on walks.

Because of their large size, Spanish Mastiffs should be taken out for a walk several times a day for quite a long time so that they burn energy and come home tired. In this OneHowTo article we tell you how to walk a puppy.

How to Care for a Spanish Mastiff - How to raise a Spanish Mastiff

How to live with a Spanish Mastiff

When the Spanish Mastiff becomes an adult it can weigh up to 120 kilos: it is one of the largest breeds of Spanish dogs. Their size, however, is equivalent to their big heart, as this breed is affectionate, friendly and perfect for living with children.

However, some precautions must be taken. Pay special attention if there are children in your family as Spanish Mastiffs, although loyal and able to get along very well with children, are very strong. They could unintentionally hurt a child even as puppies.

Spanish Mastiffs do not usually adapt to living in small apartments or spending many hours locked indoors. It is best that this breed be kept by people who can offer their dog ample space and various daily walks so it can run and play with other dogs.

How to feed a Spanish Mastiff

You will need to monitor what your Spanish Mastiff eats. Due to their large size, many people give them more food than they actually need, and this can lead to them being overweight or obese. Therefore, at OneHowTo we recommend you talk to your veterinarian so they can instruct you on how to dose meals for adult dogs so that they stay healthy and strong.

One useful tip for your dog's dental health is that you occasionally give it a piece of stale bread together with its normal feed. It will help to keep your dog's teeth clean, and it will love to gnaw on it!

How to Care for a Spanish Mastiff - How to feed a Spanish Mastiff

How to keep your Spanish Mastiff healthy

The Spanish Mastiff as a breed does not normally have many problems or diseases. The only risk is gastric torsion, a condition that stems from eating disorders. This health problem is common in large breeds, and if not dealt with immediately, it can cause the death of the animal: be aware of what it is in order to care for your best friend.

Gastric torsion, or twisted stomach, occurs when a dog with a full stomach makes a sudden movement that causes the organ to turn on itself and ligaments to twist. This stops the animal from emptying the foods it has ingested and blood circulation is interrupted. To avoid your animal having this condition, you should keep this in mind:

  • Distribute meals in smaller portions throughout the day.
  • Stop your dog from drinking too much water after meals, and ensure that it is never too cold.
  • Do not go out for a walk or exercise after meals. It is best to wait 2 hours before moving.
  • Do not feed your dog late at night so that it does not go to sleep with its stomach too full.

In this OneHowTo article we help you to know if your dog has gastric torsion by explaining the most common symptoms. If you believe it might be happening, go to the vet immediately.

For more advice and tips, check our section on pets. Now that you know how to care for a Spanish Mastiff, you might be wondering how to train a puppy, how to give it its first bath, when to start walking it and how to introduce it to fellow dogs. You will become the best of friends!

If you want to read similar articles to How to Care for a Spanish Mastiff, we recommend you visit our Pets category.

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How to Care for a Spanish Mastiff