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How to Care for an American Bully Dog

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: October 22, 2018
How to Care for an American Bully Dog

They may look fierce, but American bullies tend to be among the most affectionate of dogs, and are perfect for people who love dogs with a big character but don't have enough space for bigger breeds at home.

Their gentle nature doesn't seem to go with their threatening appearance, but American bullies make great companions for their owners and fit right into the family. This OneHowTo article will explain how to look after an American bully, so you'll learn a bit more about them and, no doubt, fall in love with them too.

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  1. Characteristics of An American Bully
  2. The Fur or Coat
  3. The Best Diet For an American Bully
  4. Walks and exercise
  5. American bully's care

Characteristics of An American Bully

The American bully is a relatively new breed that first appeared in the early 1980s, and is an offshoot of the pit bull family. Its physical appearance makes it look like a strong, fierce dog, not only because it resembles a pit bull, but also due to its thick body, large head and high set ears, which make it look somewhat bad-tempered.

These dogs are ideal companions that are loyal to their families, and have a gentle nature, even around small children, who they love playing and spending time with.

As far as caring for your dog is concerned, it's important to consider the basics: hygiene, food and especially exercise. They are not dogs that need lots of looking after, and are usually very healthy.

The Fur or Coat

American bullies have really short fur that's easy to take care of, as it doesn't need regular brushing or much looking after. It's important to use a special dog shampoo when you give it a bath, which you should do every two to three weeks depending on the condition of its coat. To prevent bad odours and skin irritations, it will need to dry off in the sun after having a bath, and you can also use a hair dryer to help with this.

It's absolutely essential to take care of your dog's wrinkles, making sure they're always clean and above all dry. Drying your dog's wrinkles will prevent skin diseases or irritations that will involve future trips to the vet. This OneHowTo article explains how to take care of your dog's fur.

How to Care for an American Bully Dog - The Fur or Coat
Image: taringa

The Best Diet For an American Bully

When it's still a very young puppy, you should feed your dog 4 times a day: morning, noon, afternoon and evening. The food should be specially designed for puppies. Ideally, it should be premium quality and made specifically for a particular stage in its development, depending on its age.

From 5 months, you can reduce the number of times you feed it per day to three, matching a human meal schedule: morning, midday and evening. It's important that you increase the quantity of the food when you stop one of the feeding sessions, so that the dog can last until its next meal.

Walks and exercise

It's important to take your American bully for a walk only after the age of 3 months, or when it has had all its vaccines, otherwise this could be dangerous for its health. Take it for a walk at least twice a day, and make sure it has days of intensive activity that will stimulate it physically and mentally, but be careful not to overdo things; like many other breeds, American bullies can suffer from bone and joint disease, which can lead to elbow and hip dislocations.

Tip: It's important to cut your dog's nails regularly, but it's better if you leave this to your vet unless you have sufficient knowledge and experience.

How to Care for an American Bully Dog - Walks and exercise

American bully's care

So now that you know how to care for an American Bully dog. If you want to take care about your dog and make him happy remember to buy special food and a suitable bed.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Care for an American Bully Dog, we recommend you visit our Pets category.

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logan bardebry
if u want to know how much American bullys are around 4-25k
Hello, I have a 6 month old bully. what shampoo shoul I use to prevent her hair falling out, and she also has dried skin. What shoul I do?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Blazer,

It depends where you live as different markets have different shampoos. What you need is a specialized dog shampoo which doesn't contain anything harmful to your dog. Dogs have a pH level on their skin different to humans, which is why you can't use human shampoo on canines. Ask at your local pet store for some advice and ensure you read the label. Veterinary approved products are recommended.

You can also make your own dog shampoo at home with natural ingredients. Here are some suggestions:

I have a puppy American bully what’s the best shampoo or u recommend
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Dan,

It depends on what shampoos are available in your location, but the shampoos most veterinary clinics offer will be of a good quality if they are being sold by an animal professional. If you want to try some natural treatments to bathe your dog, you can take a look at this one:

Chelsea oliva
My bully pit has lots of dried up skin.She looses lots of her hair to.And when I pet her lots of her hair fall out.Idk what to do.thank you
Hi Chelsea, dried up skin could be a sign of dehydration. If your bully always has water etc, it could possibly be her food as well. Your best bet is to call a vet and see if it would be a good idea to go for a visit or if they can give you some insight over the phone. Good luck :)
Good day i just want to ask why does my 4 months old bully he had diarhea and vomiting..thank you
Very useful and efficient information thanks you for sharing this article
My 2 month girl was just sick took her to the vet she has diarrhea and vomiting. Vet said she was over eating. I was feeding her 4 times a day. Now she is better just waiting for her to poop normally and hasn't yet. what can I do? she weights 20lbs how much should I be feeding her. please and thank you
OneHowTo Editor
Everything will depend on the type of food you are giving your puppy, though taking into account she weighs 20lbs, we recommend around 3/4 to 1.3 cups of feed per day. We also recommend you give her food that is high in fiber if she's having problems in this sense.
Hope this helps
Lisa Roberson
Thank you for the general care of a "Bully" pit. I hopefully will get a girl in Feb. 2017. I want to know how to care properly for her. Again I would like to thank you.
Renee Tempest
How can I give my young bully some GOOD excercise when they: - have to be muzzled when outside yard as well as on a short leash -> At all Times ..?? Have been taking Mastiff to Leash-Off to have goof run & play..
Michael Riley (oneHOWTO editor)
Hi Renee! If you don't feel like its safe to let your dog loose whilst around other people and dogs maybe it would be worthwhile to take them to a dog training group to socialize with other people and dogs so that you are able to give them some off-the-leash time to run off their energy! Hope this helps!
Hi Renee, I am in the same situation as well. My dog cannot be off leash as he is aggressive towards other dogs. I tried it the other day, in my friends backyard (not fenced in + with 2 other dogs ) and he was running wildly and loving it, until he decided to attack one of the dogs for no reason. He's very dominant. I would consider running with him around the block. I also wanted to add to Michael Riley's comment.. Depending on the circumstances, a dog training group could be very good, but I would also check out an option for one on one dog training ( the trainer will come to your house instead ) if your dog is like mine and goes a little too crazy with other dogs. Good luck :)
Image: taringa
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How to Care for an American Bully Dog