Understanding dog behaviour

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me

It is crystal clear that we love our dogs dearly, that we love spending time with our dog and we know that, whenever we need them, we can count on their company. However, understanding the language of your dog and interpreting its displays of affection is not always easy, especially if you do not know how to read the dog's postures or understand its everyday behaviour. Do you want to know if your pet loves you as much as you love your pet? Then read on, because at OneHowTo.com we will reveal the 10 signs that your dog loves you as much as you do it.

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  1. They wag their tail and are excited to see you
  2. They often try to lick you
  3. They take care of you when you're not well
  4. They steal your clothes whenever they can
  5. They follow you around
  6. They let you cuddle and caress them
  7. They love to snuggle next to you!
  8. They are good guard dogs
  9. They demand your attention
  10. They sleep near you - even in your bed!
See more >>

They wag their tail and are excited to see you

If there's a failsafe sign that your dog loves you it is that is shows emotion when when you get home. Jumping for joy, tail wagging, racing around the room, or, in the case of older dogs, coming to your side... these are all ways of welcoming you home and are obvious signs that your dog is pleased to see you.

Although there are many reasons why a dog wags its tail, happiness is one of the most clear and known to us. So you can feel pleased, because if your pet does this when it see you, it is very pleased indeed, and it is a clear sign that your dog loves you.

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They wag their tail and are excited to see you

They often try to lick you

Have you wondered why dogs lick? Or, more specifically, do you want to know why your animal licks your face, your hands, your legs and all the way to your feet? Well, it does so for the simple reason that it loves you, and this is one of the most common ways of showing it.

You must also know that, if you have your dog well trained, the licks are a way of telling you that you are the leader and that they are at your service. This behaviour usually shows submission and is part of canine behaviour in the home.

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They often try to lick you

They take care of you when you're not well

That day when you stayed home ill, that time you felt very sad, when you were worried or irritated by something and even when you were resting as a result of an injury or operation. Your pet can clearly perceive this and therefore approaches you, stays by your side, curls up where you are and does not leave you alone for a moment. This is one of the signs that your dog loves you and it can sense that you aren't feeling well. It will stay by your side until you feel better.

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They take care of you when you're not well

They steal your clothes whenever they can

Not clean clothes, no. They prefer to take a dirty garment you left lying around and run away with it to their bed. Granted, this a very curious way of showing affection, a clear sign that your dog loves you. Your pet detects your scent on those clothes and wants to keep them to be safer or feel like you're around when you're not. So, if you've lost some undergarment, tights or that sweaty t-shirt, you know where to look!

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They steal your clothes whenever they can

They follow you around

You get up from the couch to the kitchen and your dog is right behind you. From your room to the dining room, from the entrance of your house to the bathroom. Your dog's like your shadow! Well now you can feel happy because your pet is showing that it loves you. They like having you around, enjoy your company and cuddles and do not want to be separated from you for too long.

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They follow you around

They let you cuddle and caress them

We must earn the trust and respect of our pets, so when a dog allows you to cuddle them, they are showing you that they trust you. But when they also expose vulnerable areas to you, such as their belly, they are trying to tell you that they love you and that they know you'd never hurt them. Coincidentally, this is also one of the 10 signs that a cat loves us - in both cases, it is a sign that the animal is comfortable with your way of showing affection.

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They let you cuddle and caress them

They love to snuggle next to you!

On the couch, beneath your feet, while you eat at the table, near you when you are working at home. If your dog never leaves your side and is always looking to you for affection, it is obvious that your dog loves you and that means that they always want to be near you.

The animal seeks every opportunity to have you as company, especially when it spends part of the day alone, which should be interpreted as something positive and great.

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They love to snuggle next to you!

They are good guard dogs

For your dog, you are part of its pack, and your family is also its family. It thus becomes a guard dog with the goal of defending the home that they share with you. This means that the animal will go to investigate when someone new comes home - barking when it hears a noise or becomes anxious around a stranger.

This lets us know that our dog loves us and is willing to do anything to defend its pack.

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They are good guard dogs

They demand your attention

They rest their head on your legs, they coo, they paw at you, curl up beside you so that you stroke them, or shows you their belly to be petted. These are just some of the ways in which your pet demands your attention and asks you to please give them a little more love, or to play with them or enjoy some time at their side.

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They demand your attention

They sleep near you - even in your bed!

Some wonder if it is bad to allow their dog to sleep in their bed whilst others do not question it and just do it. The fact is that, no matter if you allow them onto your bed or not, they will try to sleep near you because it is one of the ways of telling you they love you. We have already explained that our dog likes to be near us, and night time is no exception. In addition, it is the perfect time to protect us and to enjoy our company.

Now you know how to read the signs that your dog loves you!

10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me - They sleep near you - even in your bed!

If you want to read similar articles to 10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me, we recommend you visit our Pets category.

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10 Signs that My Dog Loves Me