Understanding dog behaviour

How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: July 26, 2017
How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs

You love your pet, so it is logical to worry about their well-being and to want to give them only the best. And although dogs are animals who constantly live in our presence and don't feel the same concerns as us, it is true that they also may suffer from anxiety, stress and even depression, so it is normal that we, as their friends, often wonder if our dog is happy.

If you see that your dog is lively, wagging their tail, playing and everything seems OK, but nevertheless you still wonder whether they feel comfortable, then you've come to the right place. Keep reading, because in this OneHowTo article we reveal how to know if your dog is happy through 7 signs.

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  1. Your dog is always ready to play or walk with you
  2. They don't lose their appetite for anything
  3. Your dog sleeps as many hours as they should
  4. They show their belly for you to give them affection
  5. They like to be close to their owners
  6. Your dog is curious
  7. Their whole body shows that they feel comfortable with you
  8. How to know that your dog is unhappy

Your dog is always ready to play or walk with you

Wanting to do physical activity is one of the most obvious signs that your dog is happy. If your pet is always ready to play with you, wagging their tail, ready for any games or affection, then it means that their mood is unbeatable.

It is very important that your animal is willing to go out for a walk as having outside is where most of the interesting things happen to your pet.

How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs - Your dog is always ready to play or walk with you

They don't lose their appetite for anything

In this respect, these animals are very similar to us: having a big appetite is clearly a sign of health and wellness. If your dog eats the portions you serve without hesitation and in a hearty way then it is very clear: your dog happy and feels comfortable. In fact, you might be wondering why is your dog always hungry!

There are many reasons why your dog stops eating, from feeling bored with their food because they prefer other things, from problems involving their health and mood. If this is the case, it is best to take them to a vet. If you're looking for ways to get your dog to eat, read our article on the subject.

How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs - They don't lose their appetite for anything

Your dog sleeps as many hours as they should

A healthy dog can sleep up to 16 hours a day depending on the breed, but puppies can rest for up to 20 hours. Your pet gets most of their rest - about 10 hours - at night, but they can also take some naps during the day. When you are around your dog, they will be more active and ready to play, get out, walk or whatever. This is how you know if your dog is happy - their energy levels are incomparable!

If your pet spends most of the day sleeping, lying down and looking sad, then something may be wrong and it is important to consult a specialist.

How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs - Your dog sleeps as many hours as they should

They show their belly for you to give them affection

When a dog shows their belly for us to rub, it tells us many things - that they trust us, they enjoy our affection and above all they are willing to receive love and attention. This is one of the signs that your dog is happy, since they are showing vulnerability and absolute trust in you. For more information on your dog's behavior, take a look at our article on how to understand what your dog is saying.

How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs - They show their belly for you to give them affection

They like to be close to their owners

A happy dog loves the company of those they consider to be their family. Dogs enjoy being close to their humans and sharing every moment together at home. If your dog is constantly around you, sitting next to you and welcoming you home, it is a sign that your pet is happy and that they feel part of your life.

If your dog is always ready for family time, no doubt they feel at home.

How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs - They like to be close to their owners

Your dog is curious

Curiosity is a key part of a dog's psychology and, as is the case with humans, it shows a clear interest in the world around them. A happy and lively dog will always ready to check out that box that has appeared in the dining room, sniffing that bag of food that has come into the house and inspect any situation or person that is new and special.

Apathy in dogs can be a sign of depression or illness, which serves as a warning to know that there is something not right with them.

How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs - Your dog is curious

Their whole body shows that they feel comfortable with you

If you are looking for signs that your dog is happy, just watch them: a happy dog wags their tail when you play with them or go out for a walk, lets you pet them, approaches you for attention and love. A happy dog's eyes are bright and very watchful; their body language shows that they are always ready for activity and that they want to explore everything and have fun.

Their body, their eyes and the way they act, then, are the keys to know if your dog is happy and comfortable. Take a look at our article : why doesn't my dog wag its tail anymore, where you'll find the reasons why they may stop doing so.

How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs - Their whole body shows that they feel comfortable with you

How to know that your dog is unhappy

Just as there are signs that your dog is happy, there are others that show that your dog is unhappy, sick, stressed, afraid or not emotionally alright.

Some of the signs that your dog is not happy are:

  • Apathy: the dog doesn't play and spends most of the day sleeping.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Lack of curiosity or interest.
  • Destructive behavior, revealing that the animal is suffering from anxiety.
  • Sad and dull eyes.
  • Slouched posture, their tail is not up or moving but instead it is often between their legs.

If you have encountered any of these types of behavior, it is time to find out what is going on. Maybe you're not giving your pet the attention they need by taking them on good walks or playing enough, perhaps their diet is poor or the animal suffering from stress or depression. To also rule out any physical problems and diseases, it is best to consult a vet.

How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs - How to know that your dog is unhappy

This is how to know if your dog is happy through 7 signs: If you have any doubts or tips, tell us in the comments section!

If you want to read similar articles to How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs, we recommend you visit our Pets category.

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Michael & Donna McAdams
Excellent article. Thank you for the information. We believe our dog is a happy five month old American Bully. He sleeps the way he does we believe because of “growing” and he plays well alone, with us as well as family and their dogs. He always stay right where we are playing with us or his toys. His eating habits were cleared up in your article as well because we can put food in his bowl but he won’t eat it all. We look up later and the bowl is empty. He drinks lots of water. He goes on puppy pads 98% of the time meaning he miss the pad from time to time but always right on the edge of it. All said your article left us assured our puppy is a happy 😊 puppy 🐶. Thanks for the information 👍
OneHowTo Editor
You are very welcome, thanks for spreading a little more happiness by sharing your story.
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How to Know If Your Dog Is Happy: 7 Signs