Cat basic concepts

What Are the Benefits of Neutering My Cat?

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
What Are the Benefits of Neutering My Cat?

Are you thinking of sterilizing your cat? It is a common practice that most domestic cats undergo to improve their quality of life and prevent them from wandering off in search of a mate. There are many people who are against this practice and consider it an unnatural operation that deprives the animal of its most basic and primary instinct - procreation.

However, there are some advantages for the cat that should also be taken into account. In this OneHowTo article we'll answer the question what are the benefits of neutering my cat so you can come to the right decision as to whether you want your furry friend to have the operation or not.

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  1. Benefits of neutering a cat: Health
  2. Benefits of neutering a cat: Behavior
  3. When to neuter a cat

Benefits of neutering a cat: Health

Neutering a cat has several advantages for both the animal and the owner. First of all, it prevents female cats from falling pregnant and thus reduces the risk of increased feral cat population.

But besides this obvious advantage, there are others that are worth knowing which will help the animal to have a full and healthy life.

Advantages for female cats

Spaying a cat reduces the risk of disease related to the reproductive system, such as cancer, polycystic ovaries, metritis or pyometra. It also reduces the possibility of the cat suffering from breast cancer or having a phantom pregnancy.

Advantages for male cats

Neutering a male cat also reduces the risk of them suffering reproductive-related conditions, especially in the testicles. This lowers the risk of cancer, prostatitis, perianal hernias, prostate hyperplasia and adenomas.

What Are the Benefits of Neutering My Cat? - Benefits of neutering a cat: Health

Benefits of neutering a cat: Behavior

In addition to improving some aspects of their health, another benefit of sterilizing a cat is the change in their behavior. The animal tends to be more gentle and quiet. In fact, there is specific food for cats that have been neutered, which you should feed them if you do decide to go ahead with this operation. In this article we explain how to take care of a neutered cat so that you consider the new nutritional needs of your pet.

Sterilization reduces the production of sex hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. It does not stop the production of these hormones, but reduces them considerably, which changes the animal's behavior immediately.

Males, of course, tend to mark their territory by urinating. It is the sex hormones that cause this behavior. After castration, they reduce this and instead do their business in the appropriate space. The male's aggressiveness or territorial behavior will also be reduced.

With respect to female cats, sterilization or spaying normally makes them more relaxed. They lose interest in male cats and also tend to be more affectionate with people. In addition, they do not come into heat as often, which can be uncomfortable and even distressing for some cats. Some cats come into heat as frequently as every two weeks and become too thin as they lose interest in food and are in a tremendous state of stress.

What Are the Benefits of Neutering My Cat? - Benefits of neutering a cat: Behavior

When to neuter a cat

If you've decided to neuter your cat, you should first know that there are certain times when you should do it. We at OneHowTo recommend talking to your vet about the procedure. There is much debate about the best time to do this and the vet is the best person to advise you.

As a general rule, however, females are spayed after their first season. It used to be done from eight months old; however, this timescale may not be accurate because cats can fall pregnant before this point given that they first come into season at around six months old. Some experts believe that you should wait until the female cat first comes into season before the operation.

Tomcats, on the other hand, tend to undergo the operation between eight and sixteen weeks old to avoid aggressive or territorial behavior. In fact, the operation is recommended once males start to display this type of behavior.

Take a look at this OneHowTo article on what age should I sterilize my cat.

What Are the Benefits of Neutering My Cat? - When to neuter a cat

This has been an overview of what are the benefits of neutering my cat. Remember to discuss it over with your vet - they'll know what's best for your beloved pet.

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What Are the Benefits of Neutering My Cat?