Brushing a cat

How to Add Shine to My Cat's Fur

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: August 31, 2020
How to Add Shine to My Cat's Fur

If you want your cat's fur to shine then the key is to ensure your pet is in good health. Quite simply, a shiny coat is synonymous with glowing health. This is particularly important for cats because they establish different relationships and interactions with the environment and other living beings through their fur.

In this article we explain how to add shine to your cat's fur.Apart from caring for your cat in every way, we will give you some guidelines so that its fur will remain beautiful and shiny at all times.

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Steps to follow:


For starters you must understand the importance of your cat's fur to the cat itself. The fur is its protective layer, as it functions as a thermal insulator to deal with both hot and cold temperatures, and it also plays a crucial role in their social relations.

Their coat is very relevant to their sense of touch, and through it they communicate with humans and other members of their own species. Therefore, you must take good care of its fur because if you fail to do this you will affect its communication skills and, of course, its health.


To add shine to your cat's fur you must spend time brushing it. This way you will be caring for its coat by removing accumulated dirt.

Start with a brush with flexible and soft bristles, since this is the best way to remove dead hair. Do it in the opposite direction to the hair's natural growth, that is, from tail to head. Then continue by brushing in the direction of hair growth, from head to tail.

It's worth having a second brush with metallic teeth as it will remove knots from the fur and keep it soft. Although the frequency depends on the type of fur your cat has (long, short, more or less thick), it is recommended that you brush it daily for about 5 minutes. Get your cat used to this routine from a young age and it will cause you no problems.

How to Add Shine to My Cat's Fur - Step 2

Another tip to get your cat's fur to shine is hydration. It is essential for your cat's fur to look healthy, strong and shiny. Make sure that your cat always has enough fresh and clean water available. Keep several drinking points around the house so it can satisfy this need easily.

Apart from water, nutrition is also very important. There are light dry feeds that, due to their lower calorific content, reduce the supply of good fats such as omega 3 and 6. These fats are important and necessary to maintain healthy skin and hair. For example, oily fish has a high concentration of these components, which are highly beneficial for your cat. Salmon and tuna are two highly recommended fish for your cat, and you can offer a bite of both each week. By doing so you will be taking care of its skin and maintaining its fur in great condition. It is important that these fish be clean, raw, boneless and gutted and they must have been previously frozen for at least 72 hours.


If you have no tuna or salmon, an alternative is canned oily fish. You can get a can of sardines in oil and give it a little of the oil. Do not make the mistake of giving it liquid from canned fish that is seasoned or spicy. Take a spoon and put some of the sardine oil over its everyday food once a week. This way, your cat will have a powerful source of omega 3 and 6.

In addition to these extra contributions of healthy fats, it is essential that you feed your cat with quality dry feed that is adapted to its needs. Its food should have a perfect balance of carbohydrates, protein, minerals and vitamins. Do not feed them generic brands because these often contain ingredients of a lower nutrient quality. Cats are carnivores and need a high proportion of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats to have a shiny fur coat. If your cat is overweight put it on a diet because the extra weight may generate problems for it to clean itself. Talk to your veterinarian to assess the options available.

How to Add Shine to My Cat's Fur - Step 4

In the event that your cat's hair is not shiny and is instead opaque, observe it closely to check if you can find any signs of parasites such as worms and fleas. If your cat has unwanted guests, these will be stealing nutrients and will make its fur lose its former lush appearance. For this, do not forget to apply external pipettes and the corresponding internal medication so that your pet is not put at risk by pest that could threaten its health.

Regarding hygiene, cats groom themselves for many hours each day. It is not particularly recommendable that you bathe your pet often, only when necessary, so every 3 or 4 months may be enough. Too many baths will dry out its fur coat. If you do bathe your cat, use a shampoo that is specially designed to protect your cat's fur. After washing, do not forget to rinse the fur well so that there are no residues left. If soap remains, the fur will look very dull and it will cause itching.

How to Add Shine to My Cat's Fur - Step 5

This is how to add shine to my cat's fur. If the shine has become dull quite suddenly, do consult your vet.

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How to Add Shine to My Cat's Fur