Cat basic concepts

How to Apply Spot-on Treatments to Cats

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Apply Spot-on Treatments to Cats

It is important to take care of your pet's hygiene and health and protect it form fleas and other parasites. To do so, you need to follow a set of guidelines established by a veterinarian, including the application of an anti-parasitic treatment that will prevent the spread of fleas, ticks and other common infections in cats. Spot-on treatments are often used, and just one application will keep the animal protected for a considerable length of time. With this in mind, we at OneHowTo will explain how to apply spot-on treatments to cats. You can therefore do this at home in the complete confidence that your feline pet will be fully protected.

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Steps to follow:


Among all the options that currently exist for deworming a cat, application with a pipette is the most common. This is thanks to it effectiveness, as well as being very easy to use. Pipettes are small plastic vials that contain liquid inside and should be placed on a small area of the cat's upper back. The active properties will take effect on all parts of the animal's body, thus providing full protection.

Before buying a pipette we recommend checking with your veterinarian which treatment is best for your pet, as well as the frequency of application. When you have it you will see that it is ready for use. All you need to do is to open the little bottle and apply it into the cat's fur.

How to Apply Spot-on Treatments to Cats - Step 1

A clear recommendation for applying the spot-on treatment to your cat is to apply to dry fur and to leave at least 48 hours before bathing the animal. If not, you could reduce its effect, meaning that the treatment will be less effective and will leave your pet unprotected.

Also, make sure that your pet's last bath before treatment was at least 48 hours beforehand. This is because their skin is far more sensitive after a bath and they may suffer from rashes or irritation as a result. For safety purposes, leave at least 48 hours pass after its last bath before applying the treatment, and another 48 hours after applying the spot-on treatment before giving it a bath. This will ensure that your pet is well protected against parasites and infections.


The first thing you should know is that you need to apply the treatment to just one small patch of skin. The treatment will work its way across the rest of the body in the following minutes and hours. You should know that different spot-on treatments are available on the market, with different concentrations and volumes. Therefore, it is imperative that you ask your veterinarian so they can help you choose the product that's best suited to the needs of your animal.


Let's now focus on the application of the treatment. The first thing you have to do is to find an area in your home where the animal feels comfortable and relaxed. We recommend doing so on a surface that is easy to clean afterwards in case you spill a drop of the product. When you've chosen a suitable place, hold your cat firmly so that it stays put whilst you apply the product.

How to Apply Spot-on Treatments to Cats - Step 4

When you have controlled your pet, it's time to open the bottle or bag containing the anti-parasitic product. We recommend using one hand to keep the pipette upright to avoid spillage and using the other to break open the tip without it falling and spilling onto the floor.


We've already said that you need only to apply it to one body part. One of the most recommended places is behind the head, which would correspond to the animal's nape. Part a little bit of the coat until you see skin and then place the tip of the bottle in that area. Gently squeeze to pour the contents onto the animal, whilst holding it with the other hand to prevent it from moving or panicking when the liquid comes into contact with its skin.

How to Apply Spot-on Treatments to Cats - Step 6

When you have emptied the entire contents, you can let your cat go. You should wash your hands with soap and water to remove all traces of the product, as it is toxic for humans. You have to be careful during the next few minutes not to touch that part of the cat's body as you could render it ineffective.


Now you know how to apply spot-on treatment to cats. To ensure the health of your cat, you also need to bear in mind other issues that will keep it free of parasites:

  • Clean the litter box regularly so that it is free of infections or bacteria that can affect the health of the cat. In OneHowTo we show you how to clean a cat litter box so you know how regularly you should do so, as well as the best products for this.
  • Wash bedding: Cats jump up everywhere, including our beds. It is advisable to wash your sheets every week to prevent the proliferation of parasites that can affect both the animal and yourself.
  • Clean the house: Maintaining satisfactory domestic hygiene is also essential to ensure a home free of bacteria, making it ideal for the coexistence of animals and people.
  • Deworm all animals: If you live with other cats or animals, you must follow the deworming guidelines stipulated by the vet to avoid parasites spreading between pets.
How to Apply Spot-on Treatments to Cats - Step 8

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How to Apply Spot-on Treatments to Cats