Cat Fur and Coat Care

Why Does My Cat Have Bald Patches?

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. January 20, 2017
Why Does My Cat Have Bald Patches?

Usually, bald patches on cats are symptoms of a medical condition. Don't panic, though; most of the times bald patches are not caused by anything dramatic but by conditions that can be easily solved with a visit to the vet and proper treatment.

One of the most common causes of bald patches in cats is ringworm, an infection due to the presence of fungi. However, it is a vet who must diagnose your cat's problem officially. In this oneHOWTO article we'll go over the possible answers to why does your cat have bald patches.

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  1. Symptoms of bald patches in cats
  2. What is ringworm in cats?
  3. Other parasites that cause bald patches in cats
  4. Other causes of bald patches in cats

Symptoms of bald patches in cats

Before noticing the bald patches themselves, the owner usually finds more shed fur and dead hair on carpets, floors and sofas.

You'll also see your cat biting their fur or even tearing it out by licking it constantly; this means that your cat is trying to scratch an itch. The animal may approach you to be scratched or rub themselves against any object they can find for relief. They will act more stressed and sleep less because they cannot relax due to the itching.

Because of the friction from the licking, the cat's hair will fall out and alopecia will occur in different areas of their body, usually the belly, sides, insides of the legs or around their ears and tufts may be stuck to their back or tail. These bald patches can be accompanied by bumps, redness or wounds.

If you notice that you cat is biting or licking themselves more than usual, or if you see more fur around your house than before, you should figure out why this is happening. One of the possible explanations is ringworm.

Why Does My Cat Have Bald Patches? - Symptoms of bald patches in cats

What is ringworm in cats?

If your cat has ringworm, it's a fungal infection that is causing them bald patches and spots. These bald patches will usually appear on the cat's face, legs and ears. Other symptoms of ringworm in cats include dry, sometimes scaly and flaky skin, and occasionally red welts.

You have to be extremely careful if you think ringworm is why your cat has bald patches, as it can be easily transmitted to humans. You must take your cat to the vet so that they can make an official diagnosis and decide on the best treatment. Ringworm in cats is usually treated with creams or lotions as well as oral medication.

Why Does My Cat Have Bald Patches? - What is ringworm in cats?

Other parasites that cause bald patches in cats

When a cat shows hair loss, the first thing thing vets check is whether the animal has any external parasite. In addition to the previously mentioned fungi, other common parasites in cats that can cause bald patches are fleas.

If you see your cat licking or biting the base of their tail, they probably have fleas. These parasites can grab onto the skin of the cat when they're outside, where a dog or another animal has been, and even on balconies or terraces. Your cat will lick themselves constantly where the flea is, which may lead to the appearance of bald patches. Here are some home remedies to remove fleas on your cat.

Mange or scabies caused by mites can also cause intense itching, and the cat will react the same way - biting and licking themselves insistently for relief. Stay with us to learn how to treat scabies naturally.

Why Does My Cat Have Bald Patches? - Other parasites that cause bald patches in cats

Other causes of bald patches in cats

If your pet doesn't have any parasites and you're still wondering why does your cat have bald patches, there are many other possible causes. Your cat may be allergic to some food or react badly to environmental conditions.

Alopecia can also occur when an animal experiences high levels of stress, for example when exposed to situations of uncertainty or constant surprise, to which they respond by obsessively grooming and looking for relief from their anxiety.

Why Does My Cat Have Bald Patches? - Other causes of bald patches in cats

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Why Does My Cat Have Bald Patches?