What Causes a Sty On a Dog's Eye

Just like people, dogs can suffer from eye styes. An eye sty will appear as an inflamed red pimple or abscess on the outside or inside of the eyelid as a result of a bacteria infection. Dogs are very active and are usually exposed to environments with higher rates of infectious organisms. It is important to take care of a dog’s eye in order to prevent an eye sty from spreading or infecting other tissues of the eye.
In this OneHowTo article we explain what causes a sty on a dog’s eye to help you take care of your dog's lesion.
Insufficient eye hygiene
Dogs with short hair usually require less grooming and their eyes may need little care. However, dogs with longer hair, especially across the face, may have difficulty maintaining an optimum eye health without more extensive care. Hair across the eyes can be the perfect place for bacteria and other harmful organisms to grow and reproduce.

Dog walks and staphylococcal infections
Staphylococcal bacteria are the most common cause for a dog’s eye sty. Dog’s can become infected by staphylococcus following a cut, a burn or even an insect bite. When taking your dog for a walk make sure to avoid areas with a large number of insects or terrains that may have abundant vegetation. Equally, take care of a burn or a cut immediately.

Human contact
People take care of their dogs by giving them love, shelter and food among other perks. However, staph infections can also be caused from humans to dogs. Bodily fluids derived from coughs, sweat, towels and even leftover food can transmit the bacteria. It is important to make sure that we exercise care over the products and materials that we might share with our dogs to reduce the risk of transferring these harmful organisms. For more information on the subject, take a look at our article: Are dog styes contagious?

Sensitive eyes and blepharitis
Dogs that suffer from chronic inflammation or redness of the eyelids may suffer from blepharitis. If your dog has sensitive eyelids that get swollen, itchy, inflamed and sore may have a higher tendency of developing an eye stye Eye styeand blepharitis is a common condition in humans and dogs that is not contagious. However, adopting a daily cleaning habit can control the symptoms and prevent eye stye.
If your dog has a stye, then make sure you know how to cure it.
If you want to read similar articles to What Causes a Sty On a Dog's Eye, we recommend you visit our Pets category.
- Wear protective gloves when treating a dog’s eye.
- Don’t pop an eye sty as it may risk further infections.
- You may use home remedies such as clean washcloths or tea bags soaked in warm water to clean the area.
- Don’t hesitate to contact your vet if the symptoms don’t’ disappear after a few days.