How to Cure a Dog's Stye with Natural Remedies

Just like people, dogs can also get eye styes or hordeolum. As you know, styes are small red bumps on the eyelid he symptom of an infection of an oil gland. To treat a stye on a dog, however, you must take extra care and ensure that your dog's eyes are extremely clean. As always, the best way to cure styes is to prevent them from appearing, which involves taking care of your dog's eyes and monitoring them closely.
At oneHOWTO we have some tips for you to help you learn how to cure a stye on a dog with the help of different natural remedies that you can prepare and use at home.
Curing a stye with chamomile tea
A good natural remedy to cure a dog's stye is chamomile tea; as you know, chamomile has plenty of health benefits. To apply chamomile tea on a dog's eye, simply prepare a chamomile infusion and moisten a cotton pad with it.
While the liquid is still warm but not too hot as to burn, apply the pad to the infected area and let it sit for 3 minutes. Repeat this process 4 times every day, reheating the chamomile infusion each time.

Curing a stye with coriander seed tea
Another useful method to cure a dog's stye is coriander seed tea. In order to make it, mix a little water with coriander seeds in a pan and bring to the boil. Here you can learn more about the health benefits of coriander, also called cilantro or Chinese parsley.
When the tea has cooled slightly, apply the infusion with a cloth to the dog's stye to thoroughly wash out the infection. This process also needs to be repeated 3 or 4 times a day.

Curing a stye with turmeric
Turmeric is a natural spice that has many health benefits; among other things, it is great to cure a dog's stye or hordeolum.
To use turmeric to treat this kind of infection, simply dissolve two tablespoons of the spice in a cup of boiling water. Then, apply with gauze to the stye while it's still warm. This will help to cure the infection.

What is my dog's stye doesn't go away?
Your dog's stye may easily be infected with bacteria; in these cases, it must be removed with commercial creams as natural remedies are not enough. If this is the case, make sure you visit a vet as soon as possible so they can check the source of the stye and prescribe the appropriate medication, as well as show you how to apply it properly. If the dog's stye does not get better after this medical treatment, your pet may require an intervention to get rid of the stye once and for all.
It's also vitally important you take the necessary measures to make sure you don't get infected from your dog's stye. If you develop a stye yourself, check our article on how to cure a stye in humans.

Now you have a few natural methods and tricks on how to cure a dog's stye. However, keep in mind that it is best to consult a veterinarian who can actually identify the source of the infection that your pet is suffering from and give some kind of treatment for it.
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