Common cat diseases

Symptoms of Cat Cystitis

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
Symptoms of Cat Cystitis

Cat cystitis is very similar to the cystitis that us humans can suffer. It is an inflammation of the urinary bladder that causing discomfort during urination. What are the main causes? Stress is the main cause but cystitis can also be due to an infection by a virus or bacteria, obesity or it can also be related to bladder tumors. If you want to know the symptoms of cat cystitis read on as in this OneHowTo article we explain what behaviors in your cat should make you suspicious.

The first thing you do if you see that your cat has any of these symptoms is to go to the vet: he or she will confirm what the problem is and will know how to cure your pet.

You may also be interested in: How to Treat Cystitis in Cats

Steps to follow:


The most obvious symptom and one of the first that humans can notice in felines is how often they urinate. This is something you always have to check on because the cat can not communicate to tell you it is feeling bad and therefore it will be harder to detect their illnesses. If you see more urine than normal or that it requires great effort to urinate it might have cystitis.

Symptoms of Cat Cystitis - Step 1

Associated with the high frequency of urination comes another sign of cystitis: the cat's high frequency of drinking water. This is due to the fact that they lose lots of fluids in their urination (even though small there will be many), so they will need to drink more than usual.

Symptoms of Cat Cystitis - Step 2

Other symptoms of cystitis is a cat include feeling pain when urinate because the bladder is somewhat damaged. You will know if there is this pain because, when the cat urinates, it will meow clearly. Also, if you see it lick the genital area you should also take your pet to a specialist because that is another symptom.

Symptoms of Cat Cystitis - Step 3

Blood in the urine is also a clear warning sign of cystitis. However, this symptom is very important because if the cat does not have cystitis the blood in the urine will indicate that something is wrong and that the animal may have some other illness.


In male cats cystitis can result in complete obstruction of the urethra, so they may completely stop urinating. If you notice that your cat tries to urinate but can not it may be suffering from cystitis.

Symptoms of Cat Cystitis - Step 5

Another very common symptom of this disease in cats is small urinations outside of its litter box. This is caused by their lack of control over their urination, due to the urethral obstruction. That is, the cat does not realize that it has to urinate and, therefore, does not go to its litter box.

If you want to read similar articles to Symptoms of Cat Cystitis, we recommend you visit our Pets category.


  • As soon as you detect any of these behaviours in your cat you should take it to a specialist. The sooner you confirm what ailment it is suffering from the sooner you can cure it.
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Stephanie puazzese
I like these articles. Because every time I have rushed an animal to the vet, it’s STEROIDS! Pain RX! and both have side effects WORSE THAN THE CONDITION!!
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Symptoms of Cat Cystitis