Guinea Pigs

How To Tell If A Guinea Pig Is Pregnant

Misty Thomas
By Misty Thomas. Updated: January 16, 2017
How To Tell If A Guinea Pig Is Pregnant

Having a guinea pig as a pet can be a lot of fun, as they are very entertaining and quite easy to take care of. Like other small mammals however they do breed rapidly if allowed to and you may end up with more guinea pigs than you expected if you do not keep males and females separate. But what are the signs that a guinea pig is pregnant?

OneHowTo is here to explain a few tricks you can use to tell that your guinea pig is pregnant. As always, if you are unsure whether your guinea pig is pregnant but you notice any unusual changes then take them to a vet to be on the safe side!

You may also be interested in: How to Know if a Guinea Pig is Pregnant
  1. Has She Been Around Other Guinea Pigs?
  2. Watch her eating habits
  3. Watch her waistline
  4. Feel her tummy
  5. Double Check With A Vet!

Has She Been Around Other Guinea Pigs?

If your guinea pig has been around male guinea pigs, there is a good chance that she could be pregnant. If you brought some friends over for her to play with and at least one was male, there is a chance that they have mated. They are animals after all and most animals will find a mate quickly in order to have children.

Watch her eating habits

Watch your guinea pig's eating and drinking habits. If your guinea pig is pregnant, she will eat and drink more as the pregnancy progresses. Some guinea pigs have been known to eat three times their normal amount of food while they're pregnant. They have also been known to take in much more water than usual. Keep an eye on these things. A big increase in food and water intake is a sure sign that she is pregnant.

How To Tell If A Guinea Pig Is Pregnant - Watch her eating habits
Image: pixabay

Watch her waistline

If your guinea pig is pregnant, there is a chance that she is packing on the pounds. By watching her weight, you can tell if she is pregnant. Most guinea pigs will gain about a pound or two during their lifetime, but if yours is gaining more, she is pregnant.

Feel her tummy

If you think your guinea pig is pregnant, rub her stomach to see if you can feel her piglets. Do not put much pressure on her tummy because it could hurt her babies, but give her a soft little rub. If she is pregnant, you can feel the babies in her tummy.

How To Tell If A Guinea Pig Is Pregnant - Feel her tummy
Image: pixabay

Double Check With A Vet!

If you are pretty positive that your guinea pig is pregnant, take her to the vet and they will let you know what to expect. Prepare yourself for even more pets!

If you want to read similar articles to How To Tell If A Guinea Pig Is Pregnant, we recommend you visit our Pets category.

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How To Tell If A Guinea Pig Is Pregnant