Constipation in dogs

All the Signs Of Dog Indigestion

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. March 13, 2017
All the Signs Of Dog Indigestion

Dog indigestion is a common problem that most puppies and dogs suffer from time to time. Although the recovery process is spontaneous in most cases, it is best to keep an eye on the symptoms and contact a veterinarian if they continue for over 24 hours. As a dog owner, you need to learn how to recognize the signs of dog indigestion so that you can get your dog treated in time. Remember, the condition should never be ignored, as it may lead to further complications if left untreated. Read this oneHOWTO article to know about the signs and symptoms to watch out for.

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  1. Dark brown vomiting
  2. Blood in dog stool
  3. Eating grass
  4. Passing too much gas
  5. Excessive lip licking
  6. Excessive shaking
  7. Vomiting bile

Dark brown vomiting

If your dog’s vomiting is dark brown or black in color, then it may indicate a serious medical condition that needs prompt treatment, like a bleeding ulcer or an intestinal blockage. This kind of vomit may look like coffee grounds, accompanied by some fetid odor. It may also indicate a blood clotting disorder in the upper small intestine or the stomach. But before worrying, make sure that the dog may also have ingested something brown, like chocolate (which is toxic for dogs), dirt or feces.

Take a look at the full list of toxic foods that will give your dog indigestion.

Blood in dog stool

Most commonly, you may directly associated blood in the stool with cancer, but in dogs, it may be indicative to several other causes. If your dog’s stool is soft with blood in it, then it might have an inflammatory disorder in its lower intestinal tract. Inflammation in the colon may result in blood in stools along with mucus.

Eating grass

If you notice your dog eating grass, then it is probably due to its need of adding minerals and roughage to its body. If grass is not easily accessible to your dog, then it may even start nibbling your carpet or floor. Dogs with this problem will want to eat grass immediately after waking up in the morning. Once they eat the grass, they will mostly vomit it. The vomit will contain grass in addition to some fluids. Remember, some dogs are already habitual of eating grass, and may not indicate indigestion for them.

All the Signs Of Dog Indigestion - Eating grass

Passing too much gas

Some dogs normally produce gas naturally, and sometimes it may be the side effect of a certain food. But if your dog is passing too much of gas, then it may be indicative of dog indigestion. Some dogs have a food allergy, which can be solved by putting them on a novel protein diet. Some other problems that may cause your dog to pass gas include bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, malabsorption, bowel inflammation etc. Intestinal parasites and antibiotics may also be the cause of your dog passing too much of gas.

Excessive lip licking

Your dog may have indigestion if you notice, next to other symptoms mentioned, that it is suddenly licking its lips excessively, and making audible lip smack noises. When your dog has nausea and stomach upset, it will produce excessive saliva, due to which it will lick its lips to remove the extra saliva. If the dog is not licking its lips, the saliva may accumulate inside its mouth and drool from its mouth. So, this may also be indicative of dog indigestion.

Excessive shaking

When your dog is in discomfort, it has a natural instinct to shake its body. It may also shake if it is excited or frightened. Shaking and shivering may not indicate pain, but a feeling of discomfort, which is another of the common symptoms during indigestion. The shaking will occur just before vomiting, or if it is going to have a spell of diarrhea. It may stop shaking after vomiting, or may continue shaking if it is still feeling uncomfortable or unwell.

All the Signs Of Dog Indigestion - Excessive shaking

Vomiting bile

Bile is a bright yellow, foamy fluid that your dog might be throwing up. Bile is a digestive fluid that is secreted by your dog’s liver. It is alkaline rather than being acidic. If your dog is vomiting, the bile from his stomach may flow backwards and come out from his mouth. Bile is mostly seen when your dog’s stomach is empty.

If this is a case, make sure you keep your dog well hydrated at all times. Take a look at our article on how to make a dog drink water when sick, as you will risk dehydration if not.

If you want to read similar articles to All the Signs Of Dog Indigestion, we recommend you visit our Pets category.

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All the Signs Of Dog Indigestion