Animal interests & biology
Animal interests & biology, you will find practical information written by experts about animal interests & biology in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
8 articles
When we ask ourselves if all snakes lay eggs, the answer is no. In reality, snakes have three different ways of reproducing. Actually, 70% of snakes lay eggs, but not all. 30% of snakes give birth to live young ones, which is an unusual thing for reptiles. Even more surprising is the fact that some snakes...
Seals are fin-footed, carnivorous, semi-aquatic mammals with close relation to bears, raccoons, red pandas, skunks and weasels. Seals spend most of their time under water, but on land, they look really miserable and depressed. Highly vocal and communicative, they can produce a wide range of vocalizations,...
In many languages across history we can see examples of how animals of the same species can be given different names according to gender. A popular example is found in the common phrase "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander". So then what do we call a female shark in relation to its male...
There are animals that can jump to amazing heights, swim incredible distances or run for hours on end. The animal kingdom is amazing , so in this article we will list which animals jump the longest distance on the planet Earth. The distances we use in this article are expressed in meters as well as feet...
A few decades ago, the French zoologist Henri Coupin demonstrated that animals cry for various reasons, particularly when in captivity or when they feel that their lives are in danger. The most sensitive members of the animal kingdom are mammals, especially the young, who cry when they get separated from...
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One characteristic of the animal kingdom is the ability of animals to reproduce. Just like with birth, growth and death, reproduction is part of the circle of life. Not all animals reproduce in the same way, it depends on their traits and their environment, so in this OneHowTo article we explain how animals...
Animals move in so many different ways, their bodies adapting to different environments. Birds have wings to fly in the air, fish have fins to swim in the sea and many mammals have legs to walk on the ground. Humans have looked to the animal kingdom throughout history to use their unique and adaptable...
India is a land of diversities, and it houses a vast variety of animal species, ranging from cows and snakes to Bengal tigers and elephants. Indians worship many animals. While some animals are useful, others are a real threat to the country and its inhabitants. Here at OneHowTo.Com, we are going to...