Chihuahuas, you will find practical information written by experts about chihuahuas in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
4 articles
Whether you are eagerly anticipating the arrival of your pet chihuahua's pups, or you are unsure whether she is pregnant, we are here to help. Because this breed is the smallest in the world, their litter size usually does not exceed 1 to 3 puppies. However, there are exceptions. It can be dangerous if...
low difficulty
The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog. It comes from Mexico and is named after the state of Chihuahua. It is no secret that this breed can be extremely jealous and protective, ignoring its own size when facing up to a larger dog if something bothers or disturbs it. However, if adequately trained...
In this article we are going to explain what should be eaten by a very specific breed of dog with very special needs because of its small size: the Chihuahua. This is a dog which requires a small quantity of food, and in addition, the type of food which it eats should also be controlled. They are animals...
low difficulty
Chihuahuas are a very popular breed of dog and hold the title of world's smallest breed. These are animals, that despite their small measurements are brave and fearless,can be somewhat jealous and protective of their owners. Although they are great company we must not forget that, because of their size and...