Cat behaviour

Where Is My Cat Hiding? Reasons and Common Hiding Places

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
Where Is My Cat Hiding? Reasons and Common Hiding Places

Cats are animals with a very particular character; they enjoy their independence and are not pleased at all when their spaces are invaded, so when cats feel insecure they tend to run away and seek out refuge in a place where they feel protected. Among cats, hiding away is a very common habit. There are actually several reasons for this behavior, from fear of strangers to the need to simply be in a quiet space where nobody bothers them.

If your pet has disappeared and you suspect it is somewhere in the house, but do not know where to start looking, in OneHowTo article we explain where is my cat hiding inside your home, with the most common reasons and hiding places.

You may also be interested in: Why does my Cat Hide?
  1. Why is my cat hiding?
  2. Where is my cat hiding? Hiding places at home
  3. Where is my cat hiding? Hiding places in the garden
  4. Attention: Dangerous hiding places for cats
  5. Do not force your cat to go out

Why is my cat hiding?

A cat running to take refuge in a quiet place is not something strange; this is natural behavior in cats which helps them preserve their safety when they feel threatened. Cats usually do this when they feel stressed by the presence of strange people at home, so it is likely that if there are visits, they hide away and do not show their whiskers around. Fear, in a more general sense, is also a common cause of this behavior.

In addition, your cat could also hide because it is ill and wants to have space to calm down and have some peace and quiet. If your cat starts to do it more often than normal, it is time to go to the vet to assess their status. In our article why does my cat hide, we explain in detail the causes of this condition and how to treat the animal when it decides to take refuge.

Where is my cat hiding? Hiding places at home

Inside your house there are many places for your cat to use as refuge or hiding place. Some of the most common are:

  • Under beds or furniture (cabinets, sofas, shelves, etc.)
  • Above or behind cabinets.
  • Behind long curtains.
  • If your bed is unmade, your cat can be hidden between the sheets. Cats love to get under blankets, bedspreads or rugs.
  • Open suitcases and backpacks.
  • In cardboard boxes, one of the places which they truly enjoy and love.
  • Behind an appliance to stay warm, like the refrigerator or washing machine. It is essential not to leave space in these areas, because your pet's health and safety could be in danger.
  • In sacks, paper or plastic bags.
  • Open furniture such as closets or drawers.
  • Inside the shower or even in the sink.
  • Below or even inside the Christmas tree.
Where Is My Cat Hiding? Reasons and Common Hiding Places - Where is my cat hiding? Hiding places at home

Where is my cat hiding? Hiding places in the garden

If your house also has a garden or a terrace, it is convenient to check:

  • Behind bushes or large plants.
  • Behind or in planters and pots, especially if they are empty.
  • In open garbage bins.
  • Under any furniture or stairs that may be in the area.
  • In the storeroom or in any wardrobe you have in the area.

Inspect the quietest places to where your cat can be hiding.

Where Is My Cat Hiding? Reasons and Common Hiding Places - Where is my cat hiding? Hiding places in the garden

Attention: Dangerous hiding places for cats

Some of the places where cats love to hide are also dangerous to animal welfare, so it is important to limit the access as much as possible. Pay close attention to:

  • Plastic bags, which could suffocate the cat.
  • Behind appliances: Do not leave any room for the cat in there.
  • Inside the fireplace or stove, and also the washing machine: It is essential that you look before using them to you make sure that the cat is not in there.
  • If you have a cellar, garage or a room where you keep many things, it is best to prevent the cat from going there so that they do not get caught and hurt.

Do not force your cat to go out

As explained above, the cats' need to hide corresponds to a natural instinct that helps them preserve their safety when you they are stressed, threatened or ill. That is precisely why it is important to make a safe space for your cat to hide at home; when they decide to hide away there, do not force your cat to come out.

Forcing your cat out will only increase the animal's stress, and it can make the cat begin to distrust you. Unless your cat is in danger, let it enjoy the solitude and peace of the moment.

Where Is My Cat Hiding? Reasons and Common Hiding Places - Do not force your cat to go out

This is where is my cat hiding, with an explanation of the reasons and the most common places. If we've missed a place you've found your cat in, please tell us in the comments section.

If you want to read similar articles to Where Is My Cat Hiding? Reasons and Common Hiding Places, we recommend you visit our Pets category.

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Inside the armoire. On top of the armoire (has a bed on top). Inside the stacked coffee tables - 2 hex style with doors and beds. In a cardboard box with old clothes in it on top of a dresser. On top of the refrigerator. On top of the bookcases. One of which recently pulled away from the wall when the big cat jumped on it and wriggled.
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Where Is My Cat Hiding? Reasons and Common Hiding Places