Common dog diseases

How to Spot Cystitis Symptoms in Dogs

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Spot Cystitis Symptoms in Dogs

Cystitis is far more common than we believe in dogs and the symptoms often are confused with a problem of canine behaviour. It's very important not to ignore the signs because cystitis may be the result of a more serious illness. Pay attention and at the slightest sign go to your trusted veterinarian to begin proper treatment and prevent the health of your pet from getting worse. In this OneHowto article we explain which are the cystitis symptoms in dogs so you know how to spot them.

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Steps to follow:


Canine cystitis, like in humans, is an inflammation of the urinary bladder. Although this problem is usually associated with a urine infection, they are not synonymous. The reality is that an infection is one of the most common causes that leads to cystitis in dogs. This type of disease can be acute or chronic and can affect dogs of all ages, both young and old.

How to Spot Cystitis Symptoms in Dogs - Step 1

The kidneys produce urine which is stored in the bladder and then expelled through the urethra. When the kidney walls are inflamed, the bladder has far less capacity to store urine and this lack of space will cause the dog to urinate more often than usual. This is one of the most important and visible symptoms, as you notice that your dog pees much more often and in small little drizzles. In this case, it is normal to see your dog urinating around the house because they can not stand to go outside when they've never had done this before.

Another symptom is the presence of blood in the urine. In this case, you will need to see the vet immediately.

How to Spot Cystitis Symptoms in Dogs - Step 2

Apart from the above symptoms, there are also other indications that may be a sign that your dog is suffering from cystitis. Increased urination results in greater hyperactivity.

Another common symptom in cases of cystitis is an increased effort to urinate and to feel some comfort. It is also possible that your pet suffers some discomfort or pain when urinating. You'll soon notice when it cries out when doing its necessities.

If you notice any of these symptoms, which are typical behaviour problems, make sure there is no underlying medical condition. Let a professional do the tests to consider and assess your dog's health.

How to Spot Cystitis Symptoms in Dogs - Step 3

When you go to the vet with your dog, you will be asked about all of the possible symptoms detected, so you have to pay attention to their evolution. Typically, to complete a good diagnosis will perform a urine culture for analysis to check whether it is cystitis and to find the cause of all this trouble. After this, the vet will perform a sensitivity test and maybe even an X-ray, ultrasound or endoscopy to confirm the diagnosis and to decide on the most appropriate treatment for your darling pet.

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How to Spot Cystitis Symptoms in Dogs