Why Does My Cat Vomit

Why Does My Cat Vomit

Are you wondering why your cat vomits? Well you should know that vomiting is common in cats and most times there's nothing to worry about. The problem is when your cat is vomiting often each week. The causes can be diverse: stress, poisoning or other diseases such as diabetes. This OneHowTo helps provide answers to the question why your cat vomits so you'll know when to worry about the health of your pet.

Steps to follow:

To begin we must bear in mind that vomiting is relatively common in cats and is not necessarily a symptom of an underlying disease. However, when your cat's vomiting becomes chronic it's important to take notice and get to the bottom of it. If your cat throws up his or her food on a frequent basis, it's time to start paying attention to this symptom.


If your cat vomits often, start observing your pet. The observation will help you to learn your cat's routine and identify the cause of vomiting. If, for example, your cat ate grass before vomiting, it is likely that the plant caused the stomach indigestion. Vomiting may be caused by a change in your cat's usual diet or even the occasional edible prize. The important thing is to find out why your cat has vomited so you can dismiss serious health problems that have symptoms like vomiting.


There are many reasons why your cat might vomit. One of the most common is the expulsion of hairballs that your cat swallows when grooming. When your cat cleans itself, it accidentally swallows some fur. Over time, clumps of fur accumulate in the digestive system. The expulsion of these hairballs through the mouth is a very common behaviour in cats. Normal activity occurs several times a week, and it is actually completely natural and healthy to do so to prevent intestinal blockage. In fact, it is best to help your cat expel the hairballs by giving him or her cat malt, which works as a natural laxative.


Many cats vomit after ingesting toxic plants or foods. One of the most common causes is that your cat has eaten a vegetable or plant that is potentially toxic to cats. Often, cats with stomach irritation are given herbs to help alleviate the pain. However, sometimes this makes the pain worse and even causes diarrhoea.

Another common cause of vomiting in cats is dangerous foods such as excess milk, onion, leek, fish guts and food with a high salt content. The cat's body reacts to the presence of this food by vomiting. This will also occur if your cat eats any food it has an intolerance to. These substances are harmful to the health of your cat and stimulate that part of the brain that causes vomiting as a protection mechanism. Read the following article to learn which foods cats can't eat.


Another possible cause is stress. Anxiety and stress can cause your furry friend to vomit. If your cat spends many hours alone, it may be very lonely or sad, which in turn may manifest in vomiting. A cat that suffers from separation anxiety when it is left alone can convey its feelings through meowing nonstop, loss of appetite, destructive behaviour, ignoring the litter box and also vomiting.


Vomiting may be a symptom of a hidden disease if your cat throws up too often or several times a week. If that's the case, make an appointment with your veterinarian to determine the cause and start treatment if necessary. Other major causes are intestinal parasites, blockage of the digestive system, constipation, diseases such as kidney problems, hyperthyroidism and even diabetes. Whatever the case, let a veterinary professional guide you in taking the next steps.

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