How to understand my rabbit

How to understand my rabbit

It is true that when we have a pet we like to be able to understand what it wants to transmit and for it to also understand us even if these are simple orders so to to establish some basic communication with them. When we have a cat or dog as a pet it is easier to understand them because they use a lot of body language and they know how to make us understand their needs. But what happens when our pet is a rabbit? Are we able to understand what they want to say? Through its behaviour rabbits tell us many things. At we give you some pointers to know how to understand my rabbit.

Take into account

Think that your rabbit may think that you are a predator and be afraid rather than seeing you as their friend, so it is important to understand it and know about its actions and what it is communicating. Rabbits can be very intelligent, affectionate, sociable and fun, but without a good education they can become aggressive, spoiled and stubborn. To understand and to have a good relationship with your rabbit you must be patient, as this will later be very rewarding.


When it sniffs everything it will mean that the rabbit is curious about something new, be it an object, place or person. It may also be that it has noticed a strange smell. If it move its little nose too fast it means it is showing great interest and curiosity. If it does not smell or move the nose, it is because it is relaxed and calm. Your rabbit will be very curious by nature.

Hitting the ground with their hind legs

When it hits the ground with its hind legs and makes a lot of noise it is telling you that it is scared and it will communicate this through this noise. It may also be that it is calling your attention because it is lonely or because it is angry.


If your rabbit growls, it is certainly angry. When it growls strongly be careful because there is a chance it might try to bite or scratch you. If it is trying to tell you that it is angry through its grunts do not bother it any more. It may be in heat or just having a bad day.

It does not want you touching its stuff.

Rabbits are very territorial animals, and if you are fixing its cage and you see it gets nervous it means that it does not like you cleaning the cage. If it gets really tense it may even try to bite or scratch you so to tell you so. Rabbits are creatures of habit, and if you tidy up the cage, it may mess things up again so it looks the way it wants. If it gets nervous when you are fixing the cage, you better wait and do it again later when he is out and it does not realize it.

It gets angry with you

If the rabbit is upset or angry with you, it will communicate this quickly and you will notice it right away. It will get into attack position, focusing all their weight on the back to throw themselves forward if necessary, it will look defiant and put its ears back. So approach slowly at its height, do not try approaching from above because it will think you are an aggressor. Try to put your hand on its head watch out so it does not bite or scratch you. Do not put your hand in front of the nose as it will attack. Leave your hand on its head for a while so it knows you are in charge and that you will not hurt it. If it does not move it means it accepts this, even if it remains angry. If it moves away, keep trying until you manage it.

Climb all over the place

Rabbits like to look at things from above, and whenever it has a chance it will get on the furniture, sofas and anything it can climb on. If there are cables around, it is best to tidy these away as they love to nibble them.

Lying on the floor

When it feels tired or simply wants some quiet time it will lie down and stretch out on the floor. If it does so with tucked in legs it is because it feels alert and may want to run.

It is feeling poorly

If it does not eat, defecates differently and seems listless, be forewarned that it may be ill. If it lasts more than three or four days you should keep an eye on its condition and if in doubt consult a vet. If it lets out a sharp, piercing shriek it is because it is suffering severe pain or this may even be a sign of death. This cry should never be heard when your rabbit is healthy.

Other behaviours

  • Urinating everywhere. This behaviour is used to mark their territory.
  • It pulls out its fur and makes a nest. If your rabbit is female and has this behaviour without having been with a male it may be suffering a psychological pregnancy (a false pregnancy).
  • Rubs its chin. It is marking its territory.
  • Frantically biting the bars. It is indicating that it needs to leave the cage and exercise.
  • Jumping and running. It is happy.
  • Throws objects in the air. It may be because it is playing or because it bothers it.
  • Throws the food bowl in the air. It may be because it is playing or because it wants more food.
  • Digging. It is an instinctive habit of rabbits.

I am your friend

If it lies by your side, plays chasing you or letting itself be chased by you, gives you licks and likes to be with you, undoubtedly you rabbit loves you. Another way of saying it is your friend is by looking for your touch, either sticking its head through your hands and seeking your affection or walking around your ankles, although this may also indicate that it is in heat.

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