Insect bites

How to Treat a Wasp Sting

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Treat a Wasp Sting

The wasp is an insect with yellow stripes that lurks around bins and food when eating outdoors. Unlike the bee, the wasp does not die when it stings, someone, its poison is alkaline and because its life does not depend on their stinging, they can attack at the slightest provocation. It often happens, so OneHowTo will explain in this article how to treat wasp stings with a simple yet highly effective way to treat a wasp sting.

You'll need:

  • compress or gauze
  • vinegar
  • water
  • clay
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Steps to follow:


When this insect stings you must act quickly to prevent the pain increasing quickly. So the first thing to to treat a wasp sting is to quickly remove the stinger that the wasp deposits to be able to remove the toxin and prevent the bite from swelling too much.

A good way to do that is to use a credit card to push out the sting effectively. If you have some at hand, you could also use tweezers. Removing the stinger is the most important thing, preferably seconds after the incident.

How to Treat a Wasp Sting - Step 1

Then wash the area where you've been stung with soap and cold water to remove the maximum amount of poison and clean the area. This procedure should also be carried out quickly and immediately.

Afterwards, prepare a compress to help ease the discomfort, made with vinegar and cold water in equal parts. Apply to the area for at least 5 minutes to help neutralize the poison, this is an excellent remedy for a wasp sting.

How to Treat a Wasp Sting - Step 2

Once you have reduced the quantity of the poison, you could prepare a a clay poultice made with clay powder for cosmetic use, for sale in food stores. Place a teaspoon of clay in a container and add a few drops of water. Stir with a plastic spoon (as opposed to a metal spoon as it will interact wit the clay and reduce the effects of the clay), stir and apply to the area. Leave on for 20 minutes before removing with cold water.

How to Treat a Wasp Sting - Step 3

If you want you can also apply an antiseptic cream to help reduce discomfort.

Prevention to avoid this kind of bites is important, so if if you see lots of wasps around, you may have a wasp near you. Take a look at our article to know how to get rid of a wasps nest.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Treat a Wasp Sting, we recommend you visit our Pets category.


  • NEVER try to remove the stinger with your fingers as you might end up injecting more of the venom into your skin.
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1 comment
I have a better idea on how to treat a poisonous bite or sting. I will explain.
When I was scuba diving I was stung by a lot of jellyfish. When I got back on the boat the crew opened every bottle of classic Cooke and poured it all over me. It was miraculous. The swelling and pain was gone almost instantly.
Years later my son stepped on a yellow jacket (he was only 18 mo old) ) I remembered the coke. He was crying so hard. He was in a lot of pain.
I poured a can of coke in a pot and put. His foot in and within seconds he stopped crying..
I always carried a coated in my golf bag just in case.
My other son was stung on his lip by a bee and I poured coke on it and of course he drank some of it. The swelling went down and the pain went away really fast.
Everyone that has tried it said it is miraculous..
I don’t drink it but I always keep handy.
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How to Treat a Wasp Sting