Cat behaviour

How to Make your Cat more Affectionate

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Make your Cat more Affectionate

Cats are very different from dogs and although in general they are very friendly, they are not always affectionate towards their owners. The key to getting a cat to be affectionate with adults and children will be revealed to you in this OneHowTo article discussing how to make your cat more affectionate.

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Steps to follow:


When adopting your kitten, we recommend choosing a breed that is more affectionate because, besides the physical appearance and the care they require,there are certain breeds that have a more loving character. However, all cats can be affectionate, it will all depend on their life experience. Therefore a great trick is to adopt a young cat. This will make it easier for it to adapt because educating an adult cat is almost impossible.


When a cat is adopted into a new home, it will need a few days to adapt, as a new cat will usually hide under the bed or furniture, avoiding contact with people and jumping at loud noises during its first days. You will have to entice them out of their hiding places. Try not to force your kitten to leave. Slowly approach it speaking sweetly and softly. Let it sniff your hand before touching it so it recognizes you and knows you won't hurt it. As soon as it allows you to gently pet it, it will begin the process of attachment.


The cat will start to recognize its name as it gains confidence. Constantly pet it while it is eating or resting, and repeat its name over and over so it associates this with a pleasant experience and will get used to it. Be patient, the kitten can take up to one month to recognize its name.


Another way to make your cat more affectionate is to play with it,even if it's an adult. Give it a piece of yarn, a small ball or a toy, and move it around in front of the cat. This will attract its attention and will serve to set boundaries, because cats are excited and rough when playing, and tend to scratch or bite. Those are the moments are when it is best to correct their behaviour so they do not learn to give in to their impulses when they play.

This is precisely the reason why you should never play with your hands, or they will assume that your hand is just a toy and attack you at any time when it feels playful.

How to Make your Cat more Affectionate - Step 4

Unlike dogs, which stick to their owners, cats must be sought out. Pet them, do not ignore them or leave them alone hours on end, hold them and pamper them in your free time. If you do this, the cat will start to seek you out on its own to give and receive affection.

Pet the cat when its eating its food, he'll associate your petting to something he enjoys: food. You can also give your cat treats every time he or she has an affectionate gesture towards you.


If you neglect your cat, it will become cold, selfish and unaffectionate. Cats respond to the treatment people give them. We also recommend never beating them to correct their behaviour. Instead, using a loud voice and making noises that scare it will be more effective. For example, say the word NO and throw an object that does not hit or hurt them. This is also a good technique to stop the cat from scratching furniture and use a scratching post.

How to Make your Cat more Affectionate - Step 6

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How to Make your Cat more Affectionate