How to Introduce Two Dogs that Will Be Living Together

How to Introduce Two Dogs that Will Be Living Together

Have you ever wondered if there is a right way of introducing two dogs to each other? Dogs, like people, can feel closeness or rejection to other members of their species. To introduce a new dog to the family, or to make two dogs have a good connection, it will be necessary to follow some instructions to make the canine adaptation process much easier. Remember that, when you are introducing two dogs that will be living together, your first dog may feel uncomfortable, jealous or even displaced. The first contacts will be fundamental to ensuring a good relationship between the two of them.

In OneHowTo we want to give you a few tips so you know how to introduce two dogs. With these tricks the canine meeting will surely be a success and your two dogs will get on well.

Preparation for the meeting

Before you introduce two dogs that will be living together, it is essential that you prepare your first dog for the arrival of the new dog. For this purpose, we recommend you set up an area with the objects belonging to your current dog as well as a second area for the new puppy.

Establishing territories will stop your current dog from feeling overrun by the new arrival and you will avoid an aggressive reaction from taking place when the two dogs will be introduced to each other.

Where to introduce two dogs

In order not to make your first dog feel invaded when it will be introduced to the new dog, we recommend trying the first contact between the two in neutral ground. An open space, such as a park, can be ideal for the two dogs to make a first acquaintance as none of them will feel it is in its territory. This will ensure there are no distractions and no jealousy when you introduce two dogs.

The introduction moment

Now it is time for the introduction. It is essential that you can count on the support of another person. This way, each can take one dog to the space where they will be introduced. When they are together, allow the dogs to smell one another, to analyse and get to know each other. It is best that neither will be tied on the leash at that moment so they can inspect one another in-depth and burn some energy and adrenaline until they relax and accept one another. After two dogs are introduced, they will certainly be playing within minutes!

If there is a remarkable age difference between your dog and the new one, it may be that the older one will not show a great deal of interest when the two dogs are introduced. Do not worry, it will slowly gain interest. On the other hand, the smaller one will probably seek the protection of the older dog. Observe them.

If the two dogs are old, the analysis between them will be deeper, in other words, they will smell, touch, and may even urinate when they are introduced. If either growls or shows little interest in the other, do not worry, this is a normal and natural procedure. The adaptation process may be slow.

Remember: you have to let them establish a relationship for themselves, try not to interfere or intervene too much. However, if you note tension when the two dogs are introduced, or they even start to fight, do not hesitate to separate them gently so to not encourage fighting between them.

Remember that the introduction must be brief, so we suggest going for a short walk with them both. If you already have several dogs, make individual presentations with the new dog to not overwhelm it.

Bringing the dog home

After the first introduction, you can assess the possibility of taking the puppy home. If you observe that during the brief introduction on neutral ground there was a good vibration between the two, you can let them loose in the front of your home or in the front courtyard. After a while, let them go into the house. Note that your dog should go in first.

Then allow the new member of the family to explore the house comfortably and become aware of the space you have reserved for it to use. Finally, follow the usual routines of the veteran dog (meals, walks, washes...) so it does not feel an abrupt change with the arrival of the new dog, which will slowly start to participate in these activities.

What to avoid

As we have already seen, you must ensure that the introduction between the two dogs that will be living together is cordial and friendly. We recommend you carry out the following actions and take into account the following considerations:

  • Do not allow the veteran dog to intimidate the small one. Your dogs must be trained and must learn how to manage their aggressiveness.
  • Do not intervene in the dogs encounter. You have to let them get to know one another, without pushing them to become friends at first glance. Think that the small dog might feel vulnerable and the older one invaded. This is not recommendable.
  • During the first few days, do not allow them to live in the same area. Confine spaces to ensure they do not feel jealous.
  • And finally, do not let them fight. Act immediately to stop them fighting

By following our tips on how to introduce two dogs that will be living together, your canine meeting will surely be a success!

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