How to care for a canary

How to care for a canary

Canaries are one of the most popular bird species in the world! Canaries are ideal pets because they are easy to care for and incredibly beautiful. But as with all animals, this care is somewhat specific to the species. Are you wondering how to set up a canary cage or what to feed your canary bird?

For more about how to care for a canary, keep reading here at OneHOWTO. Here we want to make sure you can ensure your canary experiences a healthy life.

Steps to follow:

The first thing to consider when it comes to caring for a canary is its cage. You need to make sure that this cage is both spacious and big. In addition, cage placement and location is incredibly important. We recommend opting for an safe space far away enough from threats, such as strong wind, sun and other animals.


Your canary’s cage should be well secured to the wall, avoiding risk of falling. Make sure that you do not move or tilt the sides of the cage with the canary inside, as this can cause canary stress and anxiety.


A very important aspect of canary care is cage cleaning, it must be prevalent but generally depends on how dirty your bird is, you should take care of this task at least once a week. Always place newspaper or absorbent paper towels on the floor of the cage thus droppings and dirt stay there and are much easier to remove when cleaning


All cage accessories should be cleaned regularly to avoid illness. In addition, you should change your canary’s water daily, keeping it both clean and fresh. Canaries are incredibly sensitive animals and therefore all measures should be taken so that they do not fall ill.


When night falls, cover your canary’s cage with a blanket. By doing this, you protect your canary from the cold, excessive light and insects.


Canaries are granivorous animals which means that, in the wild, they feed on grains and seeds. This is why you should feed your canary pet store bird feed. You could also make homemade bird feed with these following grains:

  • Canary grass.
  • Flax or linseed.
  • Radish seeds.
  • Endive seeds.
  • Lettuce seeds.
  • Niger seed.
  • Oats.
  • Hempseed.

For more, we recommend reading our article about how to feed a canary properly.


When it comes to canary plumage, we recommend consulting your veterinarian about which are the best vitamins you can offer your canary to give it a healthier coat. In addition, you should remember that canaries usually molt during late summer.


When adopting a canary, we recommend adopting two rather than one. This is because canaries can become incredibly lonely if alone and therefore, become more prone to behavioral problems.


Canaries, like dogs and cats, can suffer from mite, lice or parasite infestations. Therefore, consult your veterinarian to decide which is the best anti-parasitic treatment to prevent parasites on your canary. To avoid these such infestations, we recommend:

  • Making sure your canary’s cage is always well cleaning.
  • Sufficient anti-parasitic mediation or regular application of insecticide/acaricide.
  • Adding apple cider vinegar to your canary’s baths.

For more on canaries, find out how to improve canary breeding.

If you want to read similar articles to How to care for a canary, we recommend you visit our Pets category.

  • Please give your canary all the attention it needs to live healthy